A Millennial Job Interview (B1-B2/v893)



Much has been made in recent years about the particular characteristics of the so called “millennial” generation (born after 1984) that make them difficult to communicate with.


Interviewer:  It says you are trained in technology, that’s very good.  Are you adept at Excel? (No). Power Point? (No).  Publisher? (Not really).  Exactly in what area of technology are  you proficient?

Amy:  Snapchat, Pentrist, Instagram, Vine, Twitter…you know the big ones.

Interviewer:  I’m surprised you didn’t say Facebook.

Amy:  That’s for old people like my parents!  That’s funny.

Interviewer:  Well Amy when you’re working for me you have to have those kind of research skills because I’ll send you things to comb through and get the answers and send them to me. So for that you gotta be really good at technology.

Amy:  For stuff like that, no problem.  I’ll just ask Siri!

Interviewer:  You’ll just ask Siri?

Amy:  You know, Siri tell me this, Siri find me that….we’re all good at getting you the answers.

Interviewer:  Tell Siri I want you ready to go at 8:00 sharp each and every morning.

Amy:  I don’t understand.

Interviewer:  What don’t you understand?

Amy:  What you just said.

Interviewer:  You don’t understand “be ready to go”.

Amy:  No…..you said 8:00 right?

Interviewer:  Yes.

Amy:  8:00 like in the morning 8?

Interviewer:  Yes, in the morning.

Amy:  Yeahhhhh…..that kind of doesn’t work for me.  Who gets up at 8:00?

Interviewer:  I do.

Amy:  I Skype with my French boyfriend in Paris until like 3:00 in the morning.  I don’t even get to Starbucks until like 10:00 where I order my grand,chai-tea latte, three pumps, skim milk, light water, 2% foam, extra hot, but not too hot.  So if it’s OK I work best in the morning at 10:45.

Interviewer:  Wow.  Amy, I don’t think we’re gonna be a good fit.

Amy:  Why are you so negative?  I can sense your hostilities and right now I am not feeling very safe.  I’ve been here for over five minutes and the only nice thing you have said to me was “nice resumé”, which I typed all night for this meeting with you.  You’ve given me no guidance, no validation, no encouragement, no supervision.  Is there an HR Director somewhere?

Interviewer:  HR Director ?

Amy:  Yes. I need to speak to someone.  I may have to take off today as a mental health day.

Interviewer:  Take the day off, you…Amy! Amy! Look at me! You don’t work here.

Amy:  Are you firing me?

Interviewer:  OK. Yes.



1. Exactly in what area of technology are YOU _________?
2. I’ll send you things to ____ through and get the answers and send them to me.
3. Tell Siri I want you ready to go at 8:00 _______ each and every morning.
4. Amy, I don’t think we’re gonna be a good ______.
5. Are you ________me?


  1. Are the CVs of younger recruits today different from when you were seeking a job under 30?
  2. Do young people today have different expectations about their jobs and the workplace than people did in generations past?
  3. In what ways do you think that the job market has become more difficult to gain entry into over the years?


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